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Future Thinkers & Leaders

FTL Program

Grade 5 ~ Junior High


"다양한 주제의 시사적 Article 을 통해 생각하고 표현하기"



해외유수 Junior Boarding school 입학준비 


-Time, National Geographic, TED ed , ASAP Science 등

다양한 미디어를 통한 Reading 


Speech & Writing Class

-Multi Media-based Research 

-Debate & Writing 

​-NSDA, YTN 등 각종 Debate 대회 준비 

Grade 5 ~ Junior High


As children transition to adolescence and prepare for young adulthood they face numerous pressures. These pressures can lead to them losing focus on the essentials of their own development, when they should be discovering and cultivating their own skills based on their individual personalities and interests.


At BKOM our primary focus is on helping students develop a strong sense of self, and purpose. Teachers guide students as they build ideas and form opinions on topics studied and discussed in class. Students refine their critical thinking skills in classes by being challenged to consider the meaning of the materials they read and reinterpret them in their own words and form their own ideas. Students will work on forming opinions and researching evidence to provide reasoning for their statements in writing and debate classes. The texts studied range through classical narrative, articles from news outlets, and additional support media.

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